Top 8 Inspirational TED Talks to Ignite Your Wanderlust

January 2023

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Why Travel? A new year makes for new year’s resolutions’ targeted at making your lifestyle, for a lack of better words, better. Well, to do that, you are going to need some motivation. This is why I compiled a list of my favourite TED talks that all aim to answer to the question, “Why Travel?” and push you to go on that trip you have been planning for years.

From several different viewpoints, these TED Talk presentations will tell you why travel is necessary if you want to level-up, discover a sense of adventure in life, or have a hand in making the world a more peaceful place, all through the power of TRAVEL.

Here is the answer to the question: Why Travel? and The Most Inspirational Travel TED Talks You Need To Watch:

Why Travel?

#1: Life Is Short

Life Is Short, Travel Now, Jared Kamrowski. 2019

Jared Kamrowski discusses the fact that life is short, we do not know what may come around the corner next. This may sound cliche, but it is indeed a fact that several individuals are too afraid to face. Kamrowski states that a majority of individuals are working more and aren’t taking the vacation that they are entitled to.

“Several of us are missing out on the experiences, memories, and moments that define us.”

Jared Kamrowski, Life is Short, Travel Now. TEDxFargo 2019.

I always imagine the point where I near the end of my life, and I ask myself, “if I don’t do this, will I regret it at that point?” I know that I would regret working too much while paying little attention to family, loved ones, and not experiencing everything I possibly could on this earth.

#2: Make Your Life Exciting

“Making money and having things is much more valued and celebrated than having enriching experiences.”

Luis Vargas, Travel More & Buy Less. TEDxPortland 2018.

Travel More & Buy Less, Luis Vargas. TEDxPortland 2018.

Luis Vargas presents specific reasons why travel is essential in making your life exciting and worthwhile. He discusses the idea that the human race has placed a higher value on making money and buying objects rather than celebrating enriching experiences. The ways in which individuals find themselves stuck in a never-ending cycle of school, work, children, and money.

“This idea that we go from high school to college, to career, perhaps have a family, at the end, we accumulate some wealth, and that is how we get respect.”

Luis Vargas, Travel More & Buy Less. TEDxPortland 2018.

According to Vargas, individuals who went on a gap year to travel after high school or college reported having a better sense of who they are, a better understanding of others, and travel helped them choose a path in life and build necessary skills moving forward.

#3: For Global Peace and Cultural Appreciation

For More Tolerance, We Need More… Tourism? Aziz Abu Sarah. TED. 2015

Aziz Abu Sarah is an activist with an insightful approach to peace-keeping: tourism. He states that tourism is the best way to break down the walls that stand between cultures around the globe. We need to be open to learning from one another and travel with the purpose of building relationships and connecting with individuals.

“Tourism is the most sustainable way of breaking down walls, connecting with each other, and creating friendships.”

Aziz Abu Sarah, For More Tolerance, We Need More…Tourism? TED, 2015.

#4: To Gain Insight

“Where You Come From Now Is Much Less Important Than Where You Are Going.”

Pico Iyer, Where Is Home? TEDGlobal 2013.

Where Is Home?, Pico Iyer. TEDGlobal 2013.

Pico Iyer gives a thoughtful and insightful look into cultural differences in immigrant children and families that may not be understood by all. This TED Talk discusses the idea that home is not a place nor physical construct but your family, loved ones, and your sense of community. This allows travellers to understand the potential that human beings have to integrate together as one race, while implementing the perspective that “where you come from now is much less important than where you are going.”

“One is reminded, at a level deeper than all words, how making a living and making a life sometimes point in opposite directions.”

Pico Iyer, The Art of Stillness. TEDSalon NY2014.

A must read: Purchase the Book, The Art of Stillness by Pico Iyer HERE.

#5: For Sheer Joy

Why Bother Leaving The House? Ben Saunders. TED 2012.

Ben Saunders explains why he chooses to explore and climb mountains such as Mount Everest. In this explanation, he states that humans who simply do things to gain something tangible from the other side will never be able to comprehend his concept as to why he is an arctic explorer. The reason he does it: for sheer joy. Challenge yourself and ask: when was the last time I did something simply for sheer joy?

“What we get from this adventure is just sheer joy, and joy, after all, is the end of life.”

George Mallory, Climbing Everest: The Complete Writings of George Mallory

A must read: Purchase the Book, Climbing Everest by George Mallory HERE.

#6: To Break A Guinness World Record

The Real Reason I Traveled To 196 Countries, Cassie De Pecol. TEDxMileHigh 2018.

Cassie De Pecol brings us the real reason why she broke the Guinness World Record for travelling to 196 countries in the fastest amount of time. She explains to us that for some, travel can be a missing part of us that is yet to be found, and when found, it can change your life. Your perspective on the world will change, the goodness of human kind, and you will find purpose within your own life.

“It doesn’t matter what you see or where you go. What matters is your own experience while you’re there.”

Cassie De Pecol, The Real Reason I Traveled To 196 Countries. TEDxMileHigh 2018.

…And Learn Life Lessons While Doing It

Life Lessons from the Youngest Person to Travel to Every Country, Lexie Alford. TEDxKlagenfurt 2020.

Lexie Alford discusses how fear plays a large role in getting out of your comfort zone and discovering what you are most passionate about. As the youngest person to travel to every country, it was not unusual to be uncomfortable in foreign and sometimes dangerous countries. Don’t let fear of stepping out of your comfort zone stop you from taking your next step in life and start travelling.

“These have been some of my most treasured memories because they were the most defining moments of my life, spent far, far away from my comfort zone.”

Lexie Alford, Life Lessons from the Youngest Person to Travel to Every Country. TEDxKlagenfurt 2020.

Find both Cassie and Lexie’s achievements in the Guinness World Record Book HERE.

Anyone Can Travel:

Do you think money is an obstacle in making this happen? Watch these budget tips from Tomislav Perko on how travel can be made possible on a tight budget:

How To Travel The World With Almost No Money, Tomislav Perko. 2016.

Follow along on Instagram for more travel guides and tips! @lucytravelsglobal

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